o Basic (Borla ial Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXE WINDOWS WINDOWANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress F1 for Answer WindowPress ENTER to continue.Press ENTER to return to DOS. END OF PROJECT 200: A Thousand Years, Revelation 20 * * * * * form of human existence. The final two chapters of Revelation describe this new purified life can proceed in purified form. foreign elements within humanity are finally purged and human prophet, dragon, death and Hades. This symbolizes that all life are thrown into the lake of fire, along with the beast, false according to what he has done. All those not found in the book of simply all the dead; cemeteries.) God judges each person resurrected, from the sea and from 'death and Hades' (meaning Throne of Judgment. All people who have ever lived are to the final judgment. He sees God seated on the great white The final battle having been completed, John's vision carries him 7 g. the resurrection of the dead. 7. ___ The second death f. persons obedient to God. 6. ___ The lake of fire e. the life-record of every person. 5. ___ The judgment of each person's life. 4. ___ Giving up the dead. d. God's declaration of the value 3. ___ The book of Life c. God. 2. ___ The books b. final destruction. 1. ___ The Throne a. eternal death. ELEMENTS SYMBOLISM of this part of John's vision: (match) Make a decision as to the symbolism of the following elements III. THE FINAL JUDGMENT (20:11-15)Screen # 8 intervention of God from heaven puts a final end to evil. going very badly for the Christian faith, until some miraculous politics, but the world versus Christianity. Things will be confrontation will not be nation against nation, politics against The picture is of a coming climax of history in which the major henchmen. thrown into the lake of fire to join his previously defeated only to be destroyed by fire from heaven. And then Satan is camp of the saints, threaten imminent defeat for Christianity, time he will gather all his anti-Christian forces, surround the will again engage in his primary task: deceiving nations. This vision. Satan will be released from his temporary prison, and he The thousand year period will come to an end, according to John's 4. ___ End result of battle of Armageddon. 3. ___ Final conquest by Christ of the devil. 2. ___ Final cessation of sin. 1. ___ Final elimination of evil from human affairs. the lake of burning sulfur? D. What is symbolized by the vision of Satan being thrown into unbelief. 3. ___ The church gradually drives back the forces of civilization. 2. ___ Evil appears to be triumphant over human annihilation. 1. ___ Christianity appears to be on the verge of the camp of God's people? C. What is symbolized by the vision of Satan's armies surrounding Screen # 7 3. ___ Successful; Christianity is destroyed. 2. ___ Threatening; his army surrounds camp of saints. 1. ___ Unsuccessful; Satan gets no support. B. How successful is this renewed activity? 3. ___ Deceiving the nations. 2. ___ Blowing more trumpets of Judgment. 1. ___ Energizing the beast and the false prophet. What activity is reactivated when Satan is released? A. Release from Prison II. THE DRAGON'S FATE (20:7-10)Screen # 6 time in which we live still today. domination over human civilization. This is the period of this period, Satan is bound, unable to exercise undisputed with him all those who are disciplined by him. Also during as a thousand years. During this period Christ reigns, and John describes this period of time since Christ was on earth amelioration of human society. gospel over the centuries has been the progressive have not received the mark of the beast. The effect of this believed and become liberated from the satanic yoke -- they throughout the world. Wherever it has gone, people have Since the time Christ was on earth, the gospel has spread which John now sees as the binding of Satan. Jesus Christ has interrupted this evil domination, an event influence in the course of human affairs. The ministry of After the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan acquired controlling * * * HOMILY * * * Satan's power. 6. ___ Yes; Jesus has overcome by completely escaping civilization as there was before Christ. 5. ___ No; there is just as much sin and evil in today's much evidence of it in human society. 4. ___ Yes and no; Christ rules in heaven, but there isn't it has taken hold; witness western civilization. 3. ___ Yes; the gospel has improved human society wherever hand of the Father in heaven. 2. ___ Yes; ascension means that Christ reigns at the right civilization is Christian. 1. ___ No way; no one can honestly affirm that human his ascension into heaven? F. Is it true that Christ has ruled human civilization ever sinceScreen # 5 5. ___ Just time in general. 4. ___ A time still future to us, prior to Christ's return. 3. ___ The time between Christ's first and second comings. 2. ___ The time covered by the New Testament books. 1. ___ The Old Testament period. Select one. period of time does this duration represent? E. Granted that the thousand years is a symbolic term, whatScreen # 4 4. ___ Persons who reign with Christ during T Y . 3. ___ Persons over whom the second death has no power. not received his mark on their forehead or hands. 2. ___ All persons who have not worshiped the beast and have dead prior to Christ's return. 1. ___ Persons who are physically resurrected from the Select one or more. D. What does John mean by 'the first resurrection' (20:5)?Screen # 3 the world. 2. ___ No, all nations are deceived until the end of is not able to deceive all the nations. 1. ___ Yes, because the gospel is being proclaimed, Satan years the nations are NOT being deceived? C. Does the binding of Satan imply that during the thousand (Use x to select, ENTER to bypass.) 3. ___ To deceive the nations. 2. ___ To rule Babylon. 1. ___ To fight against God. function before and after the thousand year period? B. In this passage, (20:1-6) what is Satan's (the dragon's)Screen # 2z654321 6. ___ All those resurrected reign with Christ during T Y. 5. ___ Martyrs come to life and reign with Christ during T Y. 4. ___ The rest of the dead come to life after T Y. 3. ___ The dragon is bound during T Y. 2. ___ Satan (dragon) will be released after T Y. 1. ___ The dragon is locked up in the abyss during T Y. when finished, enter z in the box. after cursor moves, enter the verse number; Enter the NUMBER of your choice in the box; A. Show the verse in which the following items are found: passage, once each in verses 2 through 7. The term thousand years ( T Y ) is used six times in this Note: Millenium is Latin for 1000 years. I. MILLENIUM (20:1-6)Screen # 1 PROJECT 200: Screens 1 - 8 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP who is the power behind the beasts of evil. to the great dragon (first introduced in 12:3), In chapter 20 he describes what happens the false prophet, and their armies. In 19:20-21 John describes what happens to the beast, Revelation 20 READING FOR THIS PROJECT ( Screens 1 - 8 ) A THOUSAND YEARS PROJECT 200 between the rider on the white horse and his enemies. the results of the great battle Project 200 continues to describe